Kate Zehnter M.Ed.

Living Life in Full Bloom
Kate Zehnter is a healer, artist, Reiki Master, death doula, and CoreIndividuation practitioner of Sacred Anatomy Energy Medicine. In addition, she offers energetic medicine bag support to attune the body for enhanced effectiveness of medical treatments and surgeries while minimizing side effects. During these Covid times she also offers an energetic immune-boosting protocol specific to this new virus. Kate’s M.Ed. dissertation was on art therapy and she was an art teacher for 30 years before opening her healing practice, Zehnergy in 2014. She approaches life with the heart of a healer and the eye of an artist - she sees deeply, in full color, with great clarity and compassion.
Photo by Ceil Tillman
As an art teacher, her degree in art therapy helped Kate to better support her students on their path to self-acceptance and adulthood. Diving into the creative process, creating art, helped them emerge more confident and centered.
Finding great value in her work as a teacher inspired Kate to pursue her calling. She began to study holistic healing which has also included the study of herbal medicine, women's empowerment, spirituality, Reiki and now Sacred Anatomy Energy Medicine.

Kate's Experience
Creating Ease in Turbulent Times / The Infinity Healing Group / Andover MA / 2020
Sacred Anatomy Energy Medicine Masters Class (SAEM) / Sacred Anatomy Academy / Novato CA
2019 - 2020
CoreIndividuation Practitioner Training Level III (CI) / Sacred Anatomy Academy / Novato CA / 2018
Essential Skills for Space Clearing Module 1 / Practitioner Tim DeSutter / Andover MA / 2017
Essential Skills for Space Clearing Module 2 / Practitioner Tim DeSutter / Andover MA / 2017
Co-Facilitator / Basic Energetic Hygiene and Dowsing / The Infinity Healing Group / Andover MA / 2017
Mindfulness Sessions / Practitioner Regina Schulman / Andover MA / 2016
CoreIndividuation Practitioner Training Level I & II / Sacred Anatomy Academy / Novato CA / 2014
Medicine Bag (Pre & Post-Operative & Energetic Surgical Support) / Sacred Anatomy Academy / Novato CA / 2013
Seminar Group Leader / The Tibetan Book of Death and Dying / College of Older Learners, Northern Essex Community College / North Essex MA / 2011
Tibetan Reiki III / Shaman’s Tree Reiki / Manchester NH / 2011
Sisterhood (support for Priestess Path II) / ALisa Starkweather / MA / 2011 - 2014
Priestess Path I & II Apprenticeship / ALisa Starkweather / MA / 2009 - 2011
Reiki ll / The Reiki Alliance / Londonderry NH / 1997
Reiki l / The Reiki Alliance / Londonderry NH / 1996
M.Ed. Art Therapy / Antioch Institute of Open Education / Cambridge MA / 1991
Client Testimonials

"I felt a definite release of old-time resentments towards my siblings. It has been easier to accept them for who they are and not set expectations that will then be unsatisfied. I have recommended that my husband and friends take the opportunity to work with Kate.”
KS / Financial Planner / MA
“After Kate's Sacred Anatomy Energy Medicine process I had my first full night’s sleep since my back surgery."
JC / Fire Fighter / MA
"Kate has helped my health with her healing therapies many times over the past few years. Her amazing skills combine both her training and her intuition and have proven to be effective in building my immunity, clearing blockages as well as dispersing the negative side effects of a common cold. I would highly recommend her treatments."
EP / Handwriting Analyst / Situate MA
Member of Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals since 2018
Original artwork by Kate Zehnter. View more of Kate's artistic work, visit KatesImagery.com